Seeking Truth, Finding Love

This blog will be a place where I explore various issues of importance to me, most notably religious and spiritual ones. Even though I've ceased to claim the label of "Muslim," I see no reason not to hang on to the moniker "bashirkareem" because it's actual meaning still has relevance for me and my life. Thus, you will hear more as time passes. God bless!

"Bashir" means "bringer of glad tidings" while "Kareem" indicates ideas such as generosity and friendliness. Thus, my online moniker, Bashir Kareem, indicates my desire to bring gladness and kindness whereever I may, in accordance with the will of God.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Blog IV: Endgame (Insha'Allah)

Hopefully, this is the last time I have to start a blog, and I won't abandon it. My first was at, the second at, the third at, and now this one. Actually, I'll likely continue to maintain the one at Xanga, for more personal stuff, where as this can be for stuff that is more political, ideological, philosophical, moral, etc.--i.e., stuff that I feel others really need to read for their own edification.

I have chosen to return to blogging for a number of reasons:
1. The current crisis in the Middle East, where I am currently studying the Arabic language. (Been here for about six weeks, two weeks left.) Not only the steadily worsening situation in Palestine, but also Israel's current war against Lebanon. (All with the endorsement of the United States of Imperialist Mass-Murdering Warmongers, of course.)
2. Earlier this summer, I was with a group of fellow students in my Arabic language program (sponsored by the US State Department), at an assembly for program participants. Due of the USA sponsorship, the program began with "The Star-Spangled Banner" and a computerized waving flag over the projector. Because of my leftist political views and non-support of the United States, I remained seated during the USA anthem--and arose only for the Jordanian flag and anthem. Naturally, the people around me were curious as to why I did not stand, so I was called upon to explain myself, and I did so willingly. It was both refreshing and frustrating. Refreshing because I had a chance to really get into what I believe and why, and frustrating because I felt like my friends had some really stereotyped and one-dimensional views of leftist politics. (For example, "Do you want to move to Russia?" and something about me hating America) So, it's gotten me to thinking about politics (both mine and others') a lot more lately.
3. Recently watched the movie V for Vendetta, which renewed my interest in political ideas and ideals. (Plus the dude fights like a mo-fo.)
4. I'm also considering converting to Islam, which would occasion a whole new slew of insights on my part. Thus, Bashir Kareem may soon be not only my Arabic name but also my Muslim name. (Although I wouldn't change my name officially. I'd still be Chris, too.)

Let's see how things turn out...